National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited is a strong and secure organization committed to serving its customers’ financial needs. This commitment extends to the services offered on our online internet banking platform; tested and proven to secure your personal information.
We are serious about protecting your privacy and the security of your banking information.
NCB uses advanced technology to protect the confidentiality of your financial activities while you are transacting business online. We require identification (username and passwords) to retrieve any account information, using our online technology. We have put mechanisms in place to block unauthorized users from accessing your account information. A number of security measures have been instituted to ensure the integrity of your transactions and account information, including:
– Enforcing the use of 128-bit encryption browsers which meet high industry Internet security standards
– Installing firewalls and monitoring our systems preventing unauthorized access to our internal systems and maintaining the safety of your information.
– Implementing security enhancements to further protect the integrity of your online transactions and account information
We guarantee full reimbursement of funds removed from your NCB accounts in the unlikely event that through no fault of yours someone you have not authorized or provided with your login information, removes those funds through our online services.
To qualify for this guarantee, you must adhere to the following security responsibilities:
1. Do not disclose your personal account information to others (including your ABM PIN, online password and transction code). If you are contacted by anyone to disclose same,you should decline and notify us immediately.
2. Please note that we will never ask you for your ABM PIN, password or access code.
3. Keep your login information secure and strictly confidential
4. Immediately notify us and select a new password if you have any reason to believe that it may have become known to any other person.
5. Promptly report incidents of unauthorized account access or use by calling our Customer Care Centre at 1-888-622-3477 within the time frames noted below for making a claim. (Our representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to assist you).
6. Do not leave your computer unattended while using NCB online services. Always use the Logout button to sign out once you have completed your banking. For additional security, close your browser window before leaving your computer.
If you are an individual retail internet banking customer of National Commercial Bank using NCB e-Link, you must notify us of unauthorized activity within 60 calendar days of receipt of your statement
We will inform you of the preliminary results of our investigation within 10 business days after we receive your claim, and we will promptly correct any error on our part which we may discover. If we need more time, however, we may take up to a further forty (40) business days to investigate your complaint or question.
To learn the steps you can take to help protect your account and personal information, review our